How to Use Burdock Roots for Horses

Some herbs are good for horses’ health. They are usually processed to add to horses’ food or oil is extracted from them to add to their body.

Common healthy herbs for horses are Meadowsweet, Comfrey, Garlic, Dandelion, and Burdock.


Burdock Roots for Horses

While Burdock root is beneficial to man, the health effects on horses are usually criticized.

However, using burdock root for horses can provide various benefits, but it’s essential to know how to properly utilize it.

To make sure you don’t harm your horses, sourcing, processing, and feeding burdock or applying burdock oil to your horse’s skin should be carried out carefully.


How to use burdock roots for horses

How to Prepare Burdock Roots for Horses?

You can purchase Burdock root in any natural health stores, or from herb suppliers near you. It can also be grown in your garden.

Whichever way you want to source this herb for your equine animals, make sure, the herb is fresh and free from pesticides or other harmful chemicals.

Wash the burdock roots to remove dirt and debris, and peel the outer skin if you like.

Cut it into small pieces, and mix it with the horse’s feed so you can have even distribution.

Also, you can boil the small pieces of burdock roots and brew them into tea. Once it’s cool, add it to the horses’ drinking water or wet their dry food with it.

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How to Feed Burdock Roots to Horses?

If you want to feed burdock root to horses, then you need to introduce it to them slowly. This helps their digestive system to adjust to it.

Start with small amounts and mix them with their food each time they want to eat, usually twice daily.

A daily dosage of 10 grams of burdock roots for young horses and 20 grams for adult horses is recommended. So, 5 or 10 grams of burdock roots are mixed with their feed in the morning and in the evening.

When you introduce herbs to a horse diet, you need to start to monitor your animals for any effects.

Watch and see how your horses respond to the burdock root. Any behavioral changes, appetite, or overall health should be taken note of.

It’s important to ensure that the horse is not experiencing any adverse effects.

For safety purposes, you should consult a veterinarian before incorporating burdock root or any herbal supplements into your horse’s diet.

A vet doctor can provide personalized guidance based on your horse’s specific needs and health conditions.



Health Effects of Burdock Root on Horses

The following are some of the benefits of burdock roots for horses.


Burdock is a natural detoxifier

Burdock root is known as a natural detoxifying agent for both humans and animals for ages.

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It can therefore support horses’ liver’s function in removing toxins from the body, and cleanse the blood.


Burdock improves horses’ Skin Health

Burdock root may help improve skin conditions in horses, such as dermatitis, eczema, or dry scurfy skin.

It has anti-inflammatory properties and can aid in reducing itching and inflammation.


It stimulates Hair Growth in Horses

When burdock extract is applied to the mane comb, it helps to stimulate hair growth.

During general grooming, it is applied to horse rakes or body brushes and pulled well through the fur.

So, the skin gets a beautiful shiny appearance.

Just for competition riders and
exhibitions and this is also one reason why horse owners like to buy burdock.


Burdock root can improve Gut Health in Horses

Burdock root contains inulin, a prebiotic fiber that can support healthy gut flora.

It may promote better digestion and nutrient absorption in horses.


It has Diuretic Properties

Burdock root has diuretic properties that can support kidney function and help eliminate excess fluids from the body.

This can be beneficial for horses with edema or fluid retention.


Other benefits

Scuff marks on the horse’s back, stemming from the saddle, can be rubbed with burdock oil so as well as brittle and cracked hooves.

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If you apply it regularly to the edge of the Crown, it acts preventively and also healing.

With problems with the tail beet, burdock is also effective, and with good application on the tail, it alleviates itching.

It acts against the stitches as well as itching, which suggests the worm infestation and the oil can serve as a first measure for relief.

Burdock is also used for the maintenance of the mane and tail.


Side Effects of Burdock Root for Horses

There are possible side effects of adding burdock root to the horse diet, the more reason you need to watch for any negative reaction to it when you introduce it in their diet.

Some horse breeds may have allergies to burdock root or other plants in the Asteraceae family.

You should monitor your horses for any signs of allergic reactions, such as hives, itching, or difficulty breathing.

Also, some horses may experience digestive upset, such as diarrhea or colic, if introduced in large quantities or abruptly.

Gradual introduction and monitoring are important. Our recommended dosage is safe for most horse breeds.

Burdock root may interact with certain medications, such as anticoagulants or medications metabolized by the liver.

It’s important to consult with a vet to ensure there are no potential adverse effects.