Are Majesty Palms Toxic to Cats and Dogs? No, but..

What is Majesty’s palm?

Majesty palms (Ravenea rivularis) are tropical plants that are native to Madagascar, and popular for their elegant appearance and lush, feathery fronds.

Majesty or Majestic palms are usually grown indoors and commonly used as decorative plants in homes, offices, and other indoor spaces.

They are known for their long height, slender trunks, and large, pinnate leaves that give them a regal and tropical look.

Majesty palms can be grown in a pot, and put in your corridor, sitting room, walkway or anywhere the plant can have bright, indirect light.

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Is majesty palm poisonous to dog and cat pets

Are Majesty Palm Plants Poisonous to Pets?

If you have a pet, you may be curious about the safety of these plants for your pets. Dogs and cats for example may want to interact and ingest the leaves of this plant.

However, according to ASPCA, majesty palms are not toxic to dogs and cats.

Consumption of the plant’s leafy fronds or thick stems poses minimal or no risk to feline companions.



Are Majesty Palms Safe for Cats and Dogs?

Majesty Palms is a safe addition to households with cats or dogs as pets.

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Moreso, ingesting any part of the tree is unlikely to result in poisoning or any discomfort to your pet, therefore, it’s cat and dog friendly.

Majesty palms are thus non-toxic or harmful to your feline and canine friends.

However, caution is advised regarding the consumption of fibrous fronds in large quantities.

These fronds can challenge the pups and kitten’s digestive systems, potentially leading to gastrointestinal disturbances such as vomiting and diarrhea in small pets.

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While the probability of obstruction in the digestive tract due to excessive consumption is low, it is improbable for cats or dogs to ingest such a substantial amount of palm material.



Majesty palms are safe for dogs, cats, and humans. Despite the non-toxic nature of this ornamental plant, excessive leaf consumption may prompt stomach upset in pets.

Typically, cats tend to only nibble on plants, minimizing concern if observed, but dogs like to eat grass to supplement their vitamins and minerals.