Search Results for: pet

Ginkgo Biloba for Pets Ginkgo biloba is an ancient tree the leaves and bark have been used for medicinal purposes for long years. For example, ginkgo biloba is commonly used to improve blood circulation and cognitive functions. However, the tree’s Read more…

Small Monkey Breeds for Pets You should keep in mind that owning a pet monkey requires significant time, effort, and resources to provide for its physical and psychological needs, and you may need to obtain a special permit or license Read more…

Keeping Apes as Pets? There are different types of monkeys, and it’s been long humans liked to make friends with apes. Having a monkey as a pet is hard to argue against, however, there are monkeys you can have as Read more…

What Kind of Bed suits my Dog Pet? Dogs are friendly and active pets, but they sleep for at least 10 hours daily. Dogs need a medium-firm surface to snooze and enjoy their time alone, and you can always find Read more…

Cats are very loving pets and they always want to stay around their owners if permitted. Two of their common behaviors are headbutting and licking. When you show love towards your feline friend and give the needed affection, she’ll be Read more…

What is Peppermint oil extract Peppermint is one of the best essential oils to kill parasites at home. It’s an aromatic oil that’s extracted from the peppermint leaves and commonly used to kill flea eggs on Pets and around the Read more…

Finding a classic girl name for your cute female dog may not sound easy if you understand how many feelings one gets when one sees a female dog with a befitting name that the dog loves to hear. To make Read more…

The existence of horses and their usefulness has been documented for a long time. It’s a large single-toe animal that was highly used in the past for war and games. Scientists classified this animal into a family: Perissodactyla and it’s Read more…

Going to a pet food store near you to buy dog biscuits for your canine is what you do regularly, however, preparing a nice treat while your dog is with you; salivating, licking, and drooling is much fun. Making your Read more…

The growth and efficiency which should accrue from expensive inputs of protein and energy can be negated by small imbalances in or shortages of essential minerals. Defining the pig’s requirement for minerals is complicated by the interaction that occurs between Read more…