Category: Pets

Kingdom Animalia

Cats are very loving pets and they always want to stay around their owners if permitted. Two of their common behaviors are headbutting and licking. When you show love towards your feline friend and give the needed affection, she’ll be Read more…

Feeding your beagle is one aspect of care that’s very important. Dogs need much protein, fiber, good fats, calories, and fewer carbs. Beagle must be fed high-quality dog food either home-made or commercially prepared to maintain a balanced diet according Read more…

Commercial meat rabbit farming is easy and profitable since there’s a huge market for meat. The amount of rabbit meat consumed yearly is now about 2 million tonnes and the market revenue amount to $10B. While China, Korea, and Egypt Read more…

What is Peppermint oil extract Peppermint is one of the best essential oils to kill parasites at home. It’s an aromatic oil that’s extracted from the peppermint leaves and commonly used to kill flea eggs on Pets and around the Read more…

Dog eating their poop is every dog owner’s nightmare. You just get surprised that your puppy at less than 9 weeks starts eating poop and throwing up all of a sudden. The habit of eating poop, which is termed coprophagia Read more…

Evening Primrose is a popular addition to conventional animal feed and is often administered in particular to dogs. However, puppies and cats are not to be taking primrose since it can have side effect such as stomach upset and vomiting. Read more…

A dog is a most loved and talked-about pet in the world, and it’s also one of the most cheerful pets that brighten up households with their energy and antics. However, with time and age, they may get sick due Read more…

Dogs are natural hunters and they have a great sense of smell, friendly and trainable. Since they have scenting skills and can find things by smelling them without seeing them,  they’ve become great potentials in the military. Dogs with great Read more…

Ann Baker was reported to have bred the ragdoll cat breed with three unknown heritage cat breeds in California. This breed is often referred to as puppy cats as they follow the owner in every place and love to spend Read more…

Whether you are a breeder or just raising a dog as a pet, the heat period is very important to take note of to ensure mating takes place and your dog becomes pregnant. many will love to see their dog Read more…