Category: Plants and Crops

Kingdom plantae

The Oil palm, scientific name – Elaeis guineensis is another member of the palm family. There are about 2,000 species, mostly confined to the tropical regions. Oil palms thrive well in tropical rain forests and are natives of West Africa. Read more…

Hydra is a multicellular animal that lives in a freshwater – Habitat. Common to most metazoans, that is, multicellular animals, hydra reproduces both asexually and sexually. Hydra Asexual reproduction occurs by means of budding and sexual reproduction occurs by means of Read more…

Yeast Reproduction Yeast cells reproduce both asexually and sexually, which makes reproduction easy irrespective of the environmental condition. Yeast usually reproduces every two minutes and can multiply rapidly. How does Yeast reproduce Asexually? Yeast reproduces asexually through budding – a Read more…

Characteristics of Spirogyra Spirogyra is a simple multicellular green alga. It is free-floating and is found commonly on water ponds, ditches, and slow-running streams where it forms slimy bright-green tangled masses called colonies. These are easily visible to the naked Read more…

Most of the important diseases of maize are foliar and the more common ones are rusts, leaf blights, leaf spots, brown spots, downy mildew, and maize streak virus (MSV). Most of these diseases are prevalent on maize in the humid Read more…

Blast Blast is caused by the fungus, Piricularia Oryzae. It is one of the most common and serious diseases of rice. It can attack the plant at all stages. If the plants are attacked in the early stages, the grains Read more…

Sisal (Agave sisalana Perrine) is a monocotyledonous crop from which leaf fibers are extracted without retting. The leaves provide the most important of the world’s hard fibers, I.e. fibers so coarse that they can only be made into twine and Read more…

Origin of Onion Onion (Allium cepa L.) Family: Alliaceae) is by far the most important bulb crop. Its origin is not known but it is believed to have come from the eastern Mediterranean region and central Asia including Iran and Read more…

Groundnut is also called peanut and can be grown as a grain legume as well as an oilseed crop. It has the highest oil content (44-50% oil) among tropical grain legumes. It is a major cash crop, which is widely Read more…

Garlic has been known for its aroma and healing effects for ages and it’s used as a condiment in almost every kitchen across the globe. Its Latin name is Allium sativum and can also be called age root or stinky Read more…