Category: Plants and Crops

Kingdom plantae

Fiber plants were among the first cultivated plants in prehistoric times. The number of commercially grown fiber crops is small and these are mostly of ancient origin in the tropics. The tropics supply the bulk of the world’s fiber requirements. Read more…

The stimulating and slightly narcotic effects produced when the dried, cured and fermented leaves of the tobacco plant are smoked, sniffed or chewed have led to an almost universal use of tobacco. There are two species of the genus in Read more…

Cowpeas grown for their dry seeds are also known as black-eyed peas and black-eyed beans. They are most important in the semi-arid tropics where they are grown mainly for their mature seeds. They withstand heat better than most other legumes Read more…

Sorghum is also known as guinea corn and it is a staple food in the drier parts of tropical Africa. It is able to adapt to dry regions with more unreliable rainfall because of its drought resistance. Its cultivation is Read more…

TOMATO, scientific name Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (Family: Solanaceae) is one of the most important vegetables in many regions of the world. It is used in almost all food preparations in the tropics. it is grown under rainfed conditions and irrigation. Read more…

Graviola (Scientific name: Annona muricata) is one the plants that is exact origin is not proven but it has become widely spread today and can grow in almost every area with average temperature and high humidity. Graviola is commonly called Read more…

Nature of Ginkgo Biloba The maidenhair tree, commonly called Ginkgo Biloba is one of the oldest medicinal plants known. It is sometimes written as Gingko. It is originally from China and it’s popular for its health benefits in their traditional Read more…

Chilies (Capsicum spp. Family: Solanaceae), also called peppers are widely grown across the globe, from America to Asia and even in Africa, with China being the leading country growing chilies. There are a wide variety of peppers that vary in Read more…

Meadowsweet (scientific name, Filipendula ulmaria) is a member of the rose family. Similar specie is Filipendula vulgaris or small Meadowsweet. They grow in Europe in different areas especially on river banks, ditches, damp meadows and the likes since the plant Read more…

Hemp is one of the medicinal plants known to man. Moreover, it has numerous health advantages even though its use is more criticized than many other medicinal plants. Hemp has been in use for more than 10,000 years and for Read more…