Category: Plants and Crops

Kingdom plantae

Food fortification or enrichment is the umbrella term that means the addition of nutrients to food to increase its nutritional value. This is practiced in order to fortify foods with rich nutrients to fight nutrient deficiency among people.   Types Read more…

Sweet potato is one of the root crops with a relatively high nutritive value and yet only about 5% of world production comes Africa. It is mostly grown with other arable crops. Asia produces over 90% of the crop with Read more…

Jute is perhaps the most important of all bast fibers. The fiber is obtained from the stems of two cultivated species of Corchorus, namely, C. Capsularis L. and C. olitorius L. It is mostly produced in Asian countries especially China, Read more…

Kenaf is an important bast fiber crop. It is however grown largely in small backyard gardens in most parts of Nigeria, especially in the north. India is the major producer.   Kenaf Origin It originated from tropical and subtropical Africa Read more…

Carrot (D. carota L. sub so. sativus (Hoffm.) Thell.) is derived from the wide carrot (D. carota L. sub sp. carota) which occurs naturally in Europe, Asia and Africa. It is of ancient cultivation in the Mediterranean region and has Read more…

Okra is a common vegetable crop grown in many part of the tropics for its mucilaginous fruits. It is a dicotyledonous annual herbaceous plant that’s  widely grown in all ecological zones of Nigeria but is not of much economic importance Read more…

Lettuce is a seasonal herb that is considered the world’s most important salad crop.   Origin and distribution of Lettuce The centre of origin of L. sativa appears to be the middle east. The first records of lettuce as a Read more…

Bitter leaf plants are shrubs and their leaves are used as a vegetable. Vernonia amygdalina, Vernonia colorata, and Vernonia calvoana are the three species usually grown.   Ecology of the plant Vernonia grows in all types of soils. It is Read more…

Cotton is the most important of the plant fibres and its production is greater than that of all other fibres out together. Cotton alone supplies about 78% of plant fibres. There are two main species in cultivation, namely, Gossypium hirsutum Read more…

The term cocoyams are used to refer collectively to members of the genus Colocasia and the genus Xanthosoma which are grown for food in many parts of Africa, especially the wetter parts. They are grown in small plots, often intercropped Read more…