The articles that are published on FarmPally are intellectual properties of the owner and can not be reproduced in any form or republished without the approval of the publisher. You can only add our pages as resource guide on blogs or share with social media followers.
Content Trustworthiness
While we have practicing farmers and pet lovers in our team who share their experience on this platform, we do not guaranty their certification in handling pet issues or recommending best farm practices.
However, some of our articles are written and submitted by our publishing partners who are pet business owners, large scale farmers, stakeholders and businesses in the processing of farm produce
Incentives on contents
Some of our publications are geared towards showcasing pet related business and agro-allied businesses and we are likely going to be compensated for getting the words out on our platform
However, such businesses are always verified to ensure we are recommending what would add benefits to our audience and add value to their businesses.
We use cookies on our site to collect data about our readers in order to understand their interests and to be able to serve them better, and deliver valuable contents for their reading pleasure. Also, we place banner adverts, text or links within the content or on other parts of the blog layouts
Contact us
If you would like to contact us for sponsorship, advertising or just to give us feedback, kindly send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]